聖バーフ教会(Saint-Bravo's Cathedral)
ベルギー七大秘宝(the Seven Wonders of Belgium)
1. イカルスの墜落:The fall of Icarus by the Dutch painter Pieter
Bruegel at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium,Brussels)
(フランドル地方, Flanders region)
2. キリストの降架:The Descent from the Cross by Peter Paul Rubens at
the Cathedral of Our lady, Antwerp)
3.神秘の仔羊:The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by Jan van Eyck,
a part of a polyptych altarpiece in St Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent)
4. 聖ウスラの聖遺物箱 :The reliquary of Saint Ursula in the
Shrine of Saint Ursula by Memling in the Hans Memling Museum,Bruges)
(ワロン地方, Wallonia)
5. 聖バルテルミーの洗礼盤: Baptismal font at St Bartholomew’s
Church, Liége)
Cover of an Evangeliary by Hugo d’Oignies at Art Museum,Namur)
7. 聖母マリアの聖遺物箱:Shrine of Our Lady at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Tournai)